All Assam Gorkha Students' Union

Assam Gorkha Students Union


All Assam Gorkha Students' Union (AAGSU)

The All Assam Gorkha Students' Union (AAGSU) is a prominent organization committed to advocating for the rights, welfare, and development of the Gorkha community in Assam. Established with the aim of empowering students and youth, AAGSU serves as a voice for the Gorkha population, ensuring their inclusion in social, cultural, and educational spheres. Through its dedicated efforts, AAGSU strives to promote unity, solidarity, and active participation among Gorkha students and the wider community. The union plays a pivotal role in nurturing leadership qualities, fostering educational opportunities, and safeguarding the socio-economic interests of the Gorkha people in Assam...

Explore our Featured Projects

The All Assam Gorkha Students' Union (AAGSU) has been actively working on various initiatives aimed at the empowerment and development of the Gorkha community in Assam. Here are some key projects that showcase the union's dedication to social welfare, education, and cultural preservation.

“जन आशीर्वाद यात्रा”

एक व्यक्ति एक रुपियाँ गरेर आग्सुलाई आशीर्वाद स्वरूप सहयोग दिनुहोस् । धेरै नदिनु , थोरै पनि नदिनु जति जना परिवारमा हुनु हुन्छ त्यतिनै रुपियाँ दिनुहोस् । हरेक घरबाट प्रत्येक गोर्खा सन्तानको आशीर्वाद AAGSU मा पुगेको हुनु पर्छ। छेउ छिमेकी सबैलाई भनिदिनुहोस् आग्सुले सुरु गरेको यो नयाँ मुहीम बारेमा ।एक घरले अर्को घरलाई र एक परिवारले अर्को परिवारलाई प्रचार गरी दिये यो यात्रा सफल हुने छ । प्रत्येक जिला आञ्चलिक र शाखाका कार्यकर्ताहरूले आफ्नो आफ्नो ठाउँमा यो कार्यक्रमको प्रचार-प्रसार गर्नुको साथै हरेक घरमा यसको जानकारी गराउने पहल चाल्न निर्देशना प्रेरण गरिन्छ । समाजका अगुवाहरु तथा प्रतिष्ठित महानु भवहरुलाई पनि आफ्नो आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा “जन आशीर्वाद यात्रा”को प्रचार प्रसार गरी दिन हुन विनम्र अनुरोध गर्दछौं। जयतु जननी असम। जय गोर्खा ।



Presidents and Gen. Secretary

Since 1976


Central Committee



District & Regional Committee


Organizational Structure


Membership Registration



Sunil Kr Chhetri serves as the President of the All Assam Gorkha Students’ Union (AAGSU). A dedicated leader, he is committed to advocating for the rights and welfare of the Gorkha community in Assam. Under his leadership, AAGSU has undertaken several initiatives focused on empowering Gorkha youth, preserving cultural heritage, and addressing social and educational challenges faced by the community. Sunil Kr Chhetri’s vision is to create a stronger, more unified Gorkha community that actively contributes to the progress of Assam and beyond.

Sunil Kr Chhetri

Phone : +91 70866 90704

Numal chetry

General Secretary

Numal Chetri serves as the General Secretary of the All Assam Gorkha Students’ Union (AAGSU) and is a dedicated leader committed to advocating for the rights and welfare of the Gorkha community in Assam. Under his guidance, AAGSU has launched numerous initiatives focused on empowering Gorkha youth, preserving their rich cultural heritage, and tackling the social and educational challenges faced by the community. Chetri envisions a stronger, more unified Gorkha community that actively contributes to the progress of Assam and beyond. His unwavering dedication and strategic initiatives have established AAGSU as a key advocate for the aspirations and rights of the Gorkha people, fostering a sense of pride and solidarity within the community.

Numal Chetri

Phone : +91 70021 71498

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